Three priorities that will be the cornerstone of my administration include:
Focusing on priority offenders of violent crime who continually prey on our community.
Focus Deterrence
Focusing on all repeating offenders who Commit 80% of the violent crime.
2O% of the offenders are committing 80% of the crime.
Prioritize the reduction of gun crimes and getting illegal guns off the streets.
Using the latest Evidence Led Policing Technology
Manpower Allocation
Using metrics and algorithms which can provide a topical prediction crime.
Identify key areas & Hot Spots.
Disrupt the cycle of Human trafficking of our most vulnerable citizens in Orange County.
Implement Domestic Violence Initiative (DVI) to reduce Domestic Violence.
My No #1 Priority Is to Rebuild the trust with the community. The trust has eroded and we need to bridge that gap between the community and law enforcement.
Incorporating a higher-level of transparency and a high degree of integrity.
Establish an open transparency with the media and the community.
Prohibit profiling on traffic stops
Ensure the community we are there to help and not criminalize the entire community.
Focus on positive, non-enforcement activities during citizen-police interactions such as problem-solving, situational prevention, and community collaboration.
Recruit ambassadors from the communities which will be the voice for the community.
Proactive youth engagement approach.
Better response to the increasing mental health crises.
Strengthening partnership between the OCSO and Homelessness Service Systems.
Recruiting a work staff reflective the diversity of our community.
Life experience
Cultural background.
An aggressive recruitment campaign to fill the current vacancies and adding more deputies
Review hiring practices benefits and pay to retain the professional men and women.
Provide training modules to address implicit bias.
Specifically, trainings and exercises should focus on positive interactions and counter-stereotyping.
Civilian Appeals Board
Currently at issue, the Orange County Sheriff’s Office (OCSO) Citizens Review Board (CRB) power to compel the Sheriff's deputies to appear and testify in CRB investigations by subpoena. In 2009, the 5th District Courts of Appeal (5th DCA) agreed with Sheriff Demings that the county charter and ordinance provisions creating the CRB and authorizing it to investigate citizen complaints against the Sheriff's deputies are unconstitutional, and reverse the order on appeal. Therefore, currently the OCSO does not have a CRB.
However, there are four different levels of CRB used throughout the United States.
The one plan I will implement is the following;
If the complainant disagrees with the outcome of an Internal Affairs Complaint Investigation, their case will go to the Civilian Appeals Board, which reviews everything internal affairs had access to, including body cam footage.
Once the Civilian Appeals Board reaches a conclusion, its forwarded to the Sheriff to determine the final course of action.